Meet the Priests
Is GOD Calling?
Discernment basically means “hearing the call” and trying to figure out where God might be calling you to serve Him. It is a life-long process of growth and listening to how God moves the heart in a new way of service. It begins in one’s heart – but it also involves other people, especially in the Church.
The survey below is made up of 20 questions that will help you to begin discernment for the priesthood.
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Contact The Office of Vocations
Fr. Mark Garrett
[email protected]
Fr. Zach Webb
[email protected]
Jeanette Cordova
Office: 214-379-2860
[email protected]
Contact The Office of Diaconal Ministry and Formation
Dcn. David Banowsky
[email protected]
Dcn. Vincent Vaillencourt
[email protected]
Sandra Lopez
[email protected]