Bishop's Award for Service
About the Celebration
The Bishop’s Award for Service to the Church was inaugurated in 2012 to recognize the great work and true sacrifice made by lay men and women in the Diocese of Dallas. Nominated by their pastor, parish administrator or diocesan staff member, recipients of this award are practicing Catholics , exemplary volunteers, and known for their public witness to the Catholic faith.
Each person receiving the Bishop’s Award for Service to the Church accepts no compensation for their service, and is recommended by specific evidence of their virtuous good works. This award continues to be presented annually.
The Diocese of Dallas sincerely thanks all of the recipients of the Bishop’s Award for all of their tireless work to the diocese and to their parishes.
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Bishop's Award for Service
@ 10 AM : April 20th, 2024
Honoring those who serve the Church in Dallas
Holy Cross parishioner Tommy Benjamin to receive Bishop’s Award for Service to the Church.